Oscillating between two worlds, William Versaces work is a desire driven process to find home.

to find true connection with a land that is not his own, whilst simultaneously looking inward to uncover a culture that exists within his blood, however distanced his experience is from it. Reconciling the desire to know ones origin, his gestures towards imbuing each painting with an undivided attention are in ritual with time, with earth, with family. 

Versace's paintings are a sensual experience evoking both body and memory, inviting you into an experience of, and reflection upon, the time we exist in being consumed with both past and future. Each painting is an elemental story, a narrative composed from constituents of the earth that William forages himself from the magical landscapes he calls home in Australia. 

Driven by process, his paintings begin from the contact with the seasonal elements that create the colour in which he works with. Wether it be rock or mineral, lichens or roots, fungus or sand, the process begins with ritual contact in the elements. Taken from nature, the elements are processed into inks, pastes or powder pigment and used in conjunction with resin to preserve the colour. Coloured with earth and painted with fire, air and water, Williams process reflects the omnipresent elemental processes occurring in nature. 

BA integrated product design

BA creative intelligence and innovation

University Technology Sydney.